Dive into Schwarzkopf’s IGORA color portfolios
You’ll discover the unique color families of IGORA color brands, how they work and how to utilize them successfully. Join us as we share a full overview of IGORA ROYAL and IGORA VIBRANCE including the newest range of shades to join the IGORA portfolio, IGORA RAW ESSENTIALS. Each attendee will also have the chance to use these new shades during our “hands in” segment while coloring hair swatches!
Tuition $25
For tickets please call 844-827-5338 or email ASKEducationUSA@Henkel.com
Dive into Schwarzkopf’s IGORA color portfolios
You’ll discover the unique color families of IGORA color brands, how they work and how to utilize them successfully. Join us as we share a full overview of IGORA ROYAL and IGORA VIBRANCE including the newest range of shades to join the IGORA portfolio, IGORA RAW ESSENTIALS. Each attendee will also have the chance to use these new shades during our “hands in” segment while coloring hair swatches!
Tuition $25
For tickets please call 844-827-5338 or email ASKEducationUSA@Henkel.com
Dive into Schwarzkopf’s IGORA color portfolios
You’ll discover the unique color families of IGORA color brands, how they work and how to utilize them successfully. Join us as we share a full overview of IGORA ROYAL and IGORA VIBRANCE including the newest range of shades to join the IGORA portfolio, IGORA RAW ESSENTIALS. Each attendee will also have the chance to use these new shades during our “hands in” segment while coloring hair swatches!
Tuition $25
For tickets please call 844-827-5338 or email ASKEducationUSA@Henkel.com
Dive into Schwarzkopf’s IGORA color portfolios
You’ll discover the unique color families of IGORA color brands, how they work and how to utilize them successfully. Join us as we share a full overview of IGORA ROYAL and IGORA VIBRANCE including the newest range of shades to join the IGORA portfolio, IGORA RAW ESSENTIALS. Each attendee will also have the chance to use these new shades during our “hands in” segment while coloring hair swatches!
Tuition $25
For tickets please call 844-827-5338 or email ASKEducationUSA@Henkel.com
An immersion into blonding and bonding
Schwarzkopf Professional will take you through their portfolio of lighteners and lifting creams that all have integrated bonding technology built into them. You’ll learn important techniques that create seamless blondes.
Tuition $50
For tickets please call 844-827-5338 or email ASKEducationUSA@Henkel.com.
An immersion into blonding and bonding
Schwarzkopf Professional will take you through their portfolio of lighteners and lifting creams that all have integrated bonding technology built into them. You’ll learn important techniques that create seamless blondes.
Tuition $50
For tickets please call 844-827-5338 or email ASKEducationUSA@Henkel.com.
An immersion into blonding and bonding
Schwarzkopf Professional will take you through their portfolio of lighteners and lifting creams that all have integrated bonding technology built into them. You’ll learn important techniques that create seamless blondes.
Tuition $50
For tickets please call 844-827-5338 or email ASKEducationUSA@Henkel.com.
Schwarzkopf Professional Classic IGORA Royal
Interactive session will explore how to use IGORA Royal colors and their shade charts, illustrate how and where color products work on hair and the different ways depth and tone can be used to create a perfect color – from hair science and product choice for your clients, through to stunning tonal results.
Tuition: $25
Call 480-968-7980 to register.
Interactive session will explore how to use IGORA Royal colors and their shade charts, illustrate how and where color products work on hair and the different ways depth and tone can be used to create a perfect color – from hair science and product choice for your clients, through to stunning tonal results.
Tuition: $25
Call 480-968-7980 to register.
Interactive session will explore how to use IGORA Royal colors and their shade charts, illustrate how and where color products work on hair and the different ways depth and tone can be used to create a perfect color – from hair science and product choice for your clients, through to stunning tonal results.
Tuition: $25
Call 480-968-7980 to register.